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/ Current Shareware 1996 January / Current Shareware Volume 5 (January 1996).ISO / utility / tsrcolor.zip

File Comment
│                         Chicago Computer Brokers                           │
│      This File Has Passed Automated Virus & File Integrity Procedures      │
│FileName   │FileSize │FileDate│ File Description                            │
TSRCOLOR.ZIP    39922  10-26-95  A utility to set VGA colors. v1.0 -You can
                               | change colors and assign up to 262,144 colors
                               | to 16 colors under DOS text mode of VGA. Both
                               | TSR and non-TSR programs are included.
                               | (Newest File Date: 05-01-95)

Text (4)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
ADV.DOC Text File 252 10KB 1995-04-26
FILE_ID.DIZ Text File 6 179b 1995-04-09
TSRCOLOR.A86 Text File 332 5KB 1995-04-19
TSRCOLOR.DOC Text File 158 6KB 1995-04-26

Other Files (13)
MAKEPAL.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 39KB 1995-05-01
TSRCOLOR.COM MS-DOS COM Executable 1KB 1995-04-19
BLUE.PAL Unknown 48b 1995-04-06
BROWN.PAL Unknown 48b 1995-04-05
CYAN.PAL Unknown 48b 1995-04-06
FS.PAL Unknown 48b 1995-04-19
GRAY.PAL Unknown 48b 1995-04-05
GREEN.PAL Unknown 48b 1995-04-06
ORANGE.PAL Unknown 48b 1995-04-06
PINK.PAL Unknown 48b 1995-04-05
RED.PAL Unknown 48b 1995-04-05
WHITE.PAL Unknown 48b 1995-04-18
YELLOW.PAL Unknown 48b 1995-04-06